Android on OKL4 Tutorials
可能在博客里面xml内容显示不正常,移步,查看 Android on OKL4 OKL4 3.0 was originally ported to run on the HTC Dream (found here ). A student, Michael Hills, developed a rudimentary Android port that removes Linux and runs natively on OKL4 3.0 for his undergraduate thesis. The supplied code demonstrates the Lunar Lander application found in the Android SDK running on the Dalvik VM on OKL4. Getting the source 1. First create a base directory to contain all of the source of this project. 2.Then download the Android repo tool and place it into a directory that is in your environment's PATH. 3.Then inside the project base directory, create a directory for the Android source and initialize the repo. You may need to prepare your build environment to compile Android as specified at . curl >~/bin/repo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo mkdir android-1.5r2 cd android-1.5r2 repo...